
This gives a list of our latest updates – check here to see what’s coming soon, or if you’ve missed anything new…

2/1/16 – updates.

Solution for Exercise 15.4 and solution with R & GenStat programs for Exercise 15.5 uploaded.

1/1/16 – updates.

Solution and R & GenStat programs for Exercises 13.2, 13.4, 14.2, 15.1 uploaded.

11/10/15 – correction & update.

Solution and R & GenStat programs for Exercises 17.2 & 17.6 uploaded.

4/9/15 – correction & update.

The link to the Solution for Exercise 8.4 pointed to the wrong file, this has now been corrected. Solution and R & GenStat programs for Exercises 18.8, 18.9, 18.10 & 18.11 uploaded.

31/8/15 – error correction

Exercise 18.11: correction to description of experiment added to list of errata.

21-22/8/15 – updates

Solution and R & GenStat programs for Exercises 18.3 & 18.4 uploaded.

15-16/8/15 – updates

Solution and R & GenStat programs for Exercises 12.2, 12.4 and 12.6 uploaded.

1-2/8/15 – updates

Solution and R & GenStat programs for Exercises 9.6, 9.8, 9.9 & 11.6 uploaded.

11/7/15 – updates

Solutions and R and GenStat programs for Exercises 8.8, 9.2 & 9.4 uploaded.

30/6/15 – updates

Solutions and R and GenStat programs for Exercises 8.2, 8.4 & 8.6 uploaded.

8/6/15 – updates

Solutions and R and GenStat programs for Exercise 7.3 uploaded.

7/6/15 – updates

R program for Exercise 6.6 uploaded. Solution for Exercise 7.1 uploaded. Solutions and R and GenStat programs for Exercises 11.2 and 11.4 uploaded.

3/5/15 – updates

Corrections to the errata made: page and exercise numbers corrected.

26/10/14 – updates

Start of winter, time to get cracking… Solutions for Chapter 6 uploaded with GenStat, R and SAS programs EXCEPT for Exercise 6.6, where we are still working on the R and SAS programs.

26/9/14 – updates

Solutions for Chapter 5 uploaded with R, GenStat and SAS programs.

23/9/14 – updates

Advertisement for courses at University of Auckland added here Courses

22/9/14 – updates

Solutions for Chapters 3 & 4 uploaded with R, GenStat and SAS programs. Individual data sets added to table of Exercise Programs and Solutions. Minor (non-functional) change to SAS exercise programs to clarify comment re: data directory.

19/9/14 – updates

SAS programs for examples in Chapters 1-7 and exercises in Chapter 2 uploaded.

16/9/14 – updates

The structure of the Examples and Exercises pages has been changed so that programs for all packages are now downloaded from a table on a single page.

Solutions and GenStat and R programs for Exercises in Chapter 2 are now available on the ‘Exercises/Programs & Solutions’ page (Programs & Solutions)

8/9/14 – updates

In (exercises data files): data file SLASH.DAT corrected to remove units with missing observations, data files EXAMINE.DAT, EXAMINE96.DAT and EXAMINE9596.DAT reformatted to fit into file of width 200 characters for compatibility with GenStat.

The indexes to the exercise data sets were updated to correct errors in the exercise numbers.

In (examples data files): EXAMINE.DAT was updated as for exercises.

In (R programs for examples): the program for Example 14.2 had some small corrections made.

The list of errata (webpage and pdf file) were updated to note the correction to the SLASH data file.

The Table of Contents and Preface from the book were added to the home page.